Publicaciones en Revistas Internacionales
| Gallardo-Estrada, C., Nussbaum, M., Pinto, M., Alvares, D., Alario Hoyos, C. Enhancing Grit and Critical Thinking in Rural Primary Students: Impact of a Targeted Educational Intervention Education Sciences. 14(9):1-15, 1009, Septiembre 2024.
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| Giménez García, J.M., Vega Gorgojo, G., Ordóñez Alonso, C., Crespo Lera, N., Bravo Oviedo, F. Improving availability and utilization of forest inventory and land use map data using Linked Open Data Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. 7, 1329812, Septiembre 2024.
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| Callejo, P., Alario Hoyos, C., Delgado Kloos, C. Evaluating the Impact of ChatGPT on Programming Learning Outcomes in a Big Data Course International Journal of Engineering Education. 40(4):863-872, Julio 2024.
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| Carruana Martín, A., Alario Hoyos, C., Moreno-Marcos, P.M., Delgado Kloos, C. Student and teacher impact on the use of telepresence classrooms Education and Information Technologies. , Abril 2024.
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| Estévez Ayres, I., Callejo, P., Hombrados-Herrera, M.A., Alario Hoyos, C., Delgado Kloos, C. Evaluation of LLM Tools for Feedback Generation in a Course on Concurrent Programming International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education. :1-17, Abril 2024.
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| Stambuk Castellano, M., Carrera, A., Tubbs, R.S., Alario Hoyos, C., Verdú, E., Iwanaga, J., Reina, F. Personalized Strategies for Academic Success in Learning Anatomy: Exploring Metacognitive and Technological Adaptation in Medical Students Clinical Anatomy. :1-12, Febrero 2024.
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| Uguina Gadella, L., Estévez Ayres, I., Arias Fisteus, J., Alario Hoyos, C., Delgado Kloos, C. Analysis and prediction of students’ performance in a computer-based course through real-time events IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies (aceptado). 17:1794-1804, Noviembre 2023.
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| Khalil, M., Topali, P., Ortega Arranz, A., Er, E., Akçapınar, G., Belokrys, G. Video Analytics in Digital Learning Environments: Exploring Student Behaviour Across Different Learning Contexts Technology, Knowledge and Learning. :1-29, Agosto 2023.
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| Stambuk Castellano, M., Contreras-McKay, I., Neyem, A., Farfán, E., Inzunza, O., Ottone, N.E., del Sol, M., Alario Hoyos, C., Soto Alvarado, M., Tubbs, R.S. Empowering human anatomy education through gamification and artificial intelligence: An innovative approach to knowledge appropriation Clinical Anatomy. , Julio 2023.
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| Carruana Martín, A., Alario Hoyos, C., Delgado Kloos, C. A Study of Student and Teacher Challenges in Smart Synchronous Hybrid Learning Environments Sustainability. 15(15):1-20, 11694, Julio 2023.
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| Hernández Leo, D., Muñoz Merino, P.J., Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Gašević, D., Järvelä, S. Technologies for Data-Driven Interventions in Smart Learning Environments IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 16(3):378-381, Junio 2023.
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| Ramírez-Donoso, L., Pérez Sanagustín, M., Neyem, A., Alario Hoyos, C., Hilliger, I., Rojos, F. Fostering the Use of Online Learning Resources: Results of Using a Mobile Collaboration Tool based on Gamification in a Blended Course Interactive Learning Environments. 31(3):1564-1578, Mayo 2023.
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| Ruiz Calleja, A., García Zarza, P., Vega Gorgojo, G., Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Gómez Sánchez, E., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Serrano Iglesias, S., Martínez Monés, A. Casual Learn: A Linked Data-Based Mobile Application for Learning about Local Cultural Heritage Semantic Web. 14(2):181-195, Marzo 2023.
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| Martín-Díaz, A., Alario Hoyos, C., Estévez Ayres, I., Delgado Kloos, C., Fernández Panadero, M.C. ABENEARIO: A System for Learning Early Maths with ABN Education and Information Technologies (aceptado). , Marzo 2023.
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| Topali, P., Chounta, I., Martínez Monés, A., Dimitriadis, Y. Delving into instructor-led feedback interventions informed by learning analytics in massive open online courses Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. , Febrero 2023.
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| Ruiz Calleja, A., Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Villagrá Sobrino, S.L., Alonso Prieto, V., Gómez Sánchez, E., García Zarza, P., Serrano Iglesias, S., Vega Gorgojo, G. Orchestrating ubiquitous learning situations about Cultural Heritage with Casual Learn mobile application International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. 170, 102959, Febrero 2023.
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| Vega Gorgojo, G. LOD4Culture: Easy Exploration of Cultural Heritage Linked Open Data Semantic Web. , 2023.
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| Ortega Arranz, A., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Martínez Monés, A., Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Ortega Arranz, H., Kalz, M. GamiTool: Supporting Instructors in the Use of Gamification Strategies for MOOCs IEEE Access. 10:131965-131979, Diciembre 2022.
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| Carruana Martín, A., Alario Hoyos, C., Delgado Kloos, C. Smart Groups: A system to orchestrate collaboration in hybrid learning environments. A simulation study Australasian Journal of Educational Technology. 38(6):150-168, Diciembre 2022.
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| Cortázar, C., Nussbaum, M., Alario Hoyos, C., Goñi, J., Alvares, D. The impacts of scaffolding Socially Shared Regulation on teamwork in an online project-based course The Internet and Higher Education (aceptado). 55(100877), Octubre 2022.
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| García, B., Delgado Kloos, C., Alario Hoyos, C., Muñoz Organero, M. Selenium-Jupiter: A JUnit 5 extension for Selenium WebDriver The Journal of Systems & Software. :1-41, Marzo 2022.
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| Vega Gorgojo, G. CRAFTS: Configurable REST APIs for Triple Stores IEEE Access. 10:32426-32441, Marzo 2022.
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| Vega Gorgojo, G., Giménez García, J.M., Ordóñez Alonso, C., Bravo Oviedo, F. Pioneering Easy-to-Use Forestry Data with Forest Explorer Semantic Web. 13(2):147-162, Febrero 2022.
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| Barahona, C., Nussbaum, M., Espinosa, P., Meseses, A., Alario Hoyos, C., Pérez Sanagustín, M. Transforming the Learning Experience in Pre-Service Teacher Training Using the Flipped Classroom Technology, Pedagogy and Education. 31(3):261-274, Febrero 2022.
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| Zamecnik, A., Villa Torrano, C., Kovanovic, V., Grossmann, G., Joksimovic, S., Dimitriadis, Y., Pardo, A. The Cohesion of Small Groups in Technology-Mediated Learning Environments: A Systematic Literature Review Educational Research Review. 35, 100427, Febrero 2022.
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| Pérez Sanagustín, M., Kotorov, I., Moreira-Teixeira, A., Mansilla, F., Broisin, J., Alario Hoyos, C., Jerez, O., Teixeira Pinto, M.d.C., García, B., et al., A Competency Framework for Teaching and Learning Innovation Centers for the 21st Century: Anticipating the Post-Covid-19 Age Electronics. 11(3):1-31, 413, Enero 2022.
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| Prieto Santos, L.P., Odriozola-González, P., Rodríguez Triana, M.J., Dimitriadis, Y., Ley, T. Progress-Oriented Workshops for Doctoral Wellbeing: Evidence from a Two-Country Design-Based Research International Journal of Doctoral Studies. 17:39-66, Enero 2022.
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| Castillo-Segura, P., Fernández Panadero, M.C., Alario Hoyos, C., Muñoz Merino, P.J., Delgado Kloos, C. A cost-effective IoT learning environment for the training and assessment of surgical technical skills with visual learning analytics Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 124:1-19, 103952, Diciembre 2021.
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| Rodríguez Triana, M.J., Prieto Santos, L.P., Dimitriadis, Y., de Jong, T., Gillet, D. ADA for IBL: Lessons learned in Aligning learning Design and Analytics for Inquiry-Based Learning orchestration Journal of Learning Analytics. 8(2):22-50, Septiembre 2021.
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| Treceño Fernández, D., Calabia del Campo, J., Matute Teresa, F., Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Gómez Sánchez, E., de Luis García, R., Alberola López, C. Magnetic Resonance Simulation in Education: Quantitative Evaluation of an Actual Classroom Experience Sensors. 21(18), 6011, Septiembre 2021.
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| Pérez-Nicolás, R.L., Alario Hoyos, C., Estévez Ayres, I., Moreno-Marcos, P.M., Muñoz Merino, P.J., Delgado Kloos, C. Evaluation of an Algorithm for Automatic Grading of Forum Messages in MOOC Discussion Forums Sustainability. 13(16):1-18, 9364, Agosto 2021.
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| Topali, P., Ortega Arranz, A., Martínez Monés, A., Villagrá Sobrino, S.L. “Houston, We Have a Problem”: Revealing MOOC practitioners’ experiences regarding feedback provision to learners facing difficulties Computer Applications in Engineering Education. 29(4):769-785, Julio 2021.
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| Ruiz Calleja, A., Vega Gorgojo, G., Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Dimitriadis, Y., Gómez Sánchez, E. Supporting contextualized learning with Linked Open Data Journal of Web Semantics. 70, 100657, Julio 2021.
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| García, B., Muñoz Organero, M., Alario Hoyos, C., Delgado Kloos, C. Automated Driver Management for Selenium WebDriver Empirical Software Engineering. 26:1-51, 107, Julio 2021.
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| Dagnino, F., Dimitriadis, Y., Pozzi, F., Rubia Avi, B., Asensio Pérez, J.I. The role of supporting technologies in a mixed methods research design Comunicar. 65:53-62, Junio 2021.
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| Gonzalez Castro, N., Muñoz Merino, P.J., Alario Hoyos, C., Delgado Kloos, C. Adaptive Learning Module for a Conversational Agent to Support MOOC Learners Australasian Journal of Educational Technology. 37(2):24-44, Mayo 2021.
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| Topali, P., Mikropoulos, T.A. Scratch-based learning objects for novice programmers: exploring quality aspects and perceptions for primary education Interactive Learning Environments. :1-16, Mayo 2021.
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| Chejara, P., Prieto Santos, L.P., Ruiz Calleja, A., Rodríguez Triana, M.J., Shantar, S.K., Kasepalu, R. EFAR-MMLA: An Evaluation Framework to Assess and Report Generalizability of Machine Learning Models in MMLA Sensors. 21(8):1-27, 2863, Abril 2021.
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| Tabuenca, B., Serrano Iglesias, S., Carruana Martín, A., Villa Torrano, C., Dimitriadis, Y., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Alario Hoyos, C., Gómez Sánchez, E., Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Martínez Monés, A., Delgado Kloos, C. Affordances and Core Functions of Smart Learning Environments: A Systematic Literature Review IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 14(2):129-145, Abril 2021.
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| Alonso-Mencía, M.E., Alario Hoyos, C., Estévez Ayres, I., Delgado Kloos, C. Analysing self-regulated learning strategies of MOOC learners through self-reported data Australasian Journal of Educational Technology. 37(3):56-70, Marzo 2021.
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| Ntourmas, A., Daskalaki, S., Dimitriadis, Y., Avouris, N. Classifying MOOC forum posts using corpora semantic similarities: A study on transferability across different courses Neural Computing and Applications. , Febrero 2021.
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| Catalán Aguirre, C., Gonzalez Castro, N., Delgado Kloos, C., Alario Hoyos, C., Muñoz Merino, P.J. Conversational agent for supporting learners on a MOOC on programming with Java Computer Science and Information Systems. 18(4):1271-1286, Febrero 2021.
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| Castillo-Segura, P., Fernández Panadero, M.C., Alario Hoyos, C., Muñoz Merino, P.J., Delgado Kloos, C. Objective and automated assessment of surgical technical skills with IoT systems: A systematic literature review Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 112:1-17, Enero 2021.
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| García-Molina, S., Alario Hoyos, C., Moreno-Marcos, P.M., Muñoz Merino, P.J., Estévez Ayres, I., Delgado Kloos, C. An algorithm and a tool for the automatic grading of MOOC learners from their contributions in the discussion forum Applied Sciences. 11(1):1-22, 95, Enero 2021.
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| Er, E., Gómez Sánchez, E., Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Dimitriadis, Y., Asensio Pérez, J.I. Generating actionable predictions regarding MOOC learners’ engagement in peer reviews Behaviour & Information Technology. 39(12):1356-1373, Diciembre 2020.
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| Treceño Fernández, D., Calabia del Campo, J., Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Gómez Sánchez, E., de Luis García, R., Alberola López, C. Integration of an Intelligent Tutoring System in a magnetic resonance simulator for education: technical feasibility and user experience Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 195, 105634, Octubre 2020.
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| Dagnino, F., Dimitriadis, Y., Pozzi, F., Rubia Avi, B., Asensio Pérez, J.I. The role of supporting technologies in a mixed methods research design Comunicar. 65:53-62, Septiembre 2020.
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| Er, E., Dimitriadis, Y., Gašević, D. A Collaborative Learning Approach to Dialogic Peer Feedback: A Theoretical Framework Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education. :1-15, Julio 2020.
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| Pishtari, G., Rodríguez Triana, M.J., Sarmiento-Márquez, E.M., Pérez Sanagustín, M., Ruiz Calleja, A., Santos, P., Prieto Santos, L.P., Serrano Iglesias, S., Väljataga, T. Learning design and learning analytics in mobile and ubiquitous learning: A systematic review British Journal of Educational Technology. 51(4):1078-1100, Junio 2020.
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| Er, E., Dimitriadis, Y., Gašević, D. Collaborative peer feedback and learning analytics: Theory-oriented design for supporting class-wide interventions Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education . :1-22, Mayo 2020.
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| Alonso-Mencía, M.E., Alario Hoyos, C., Maldonado Mahauad, J., Estévez Ayres, I., Pérez Sanagustín, M., Delgado Kloos, C. Self-regulated learning in MOOCs: Lessons learned from a literature review Educational Review. 72(3):319-345, Mayo 2020.
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| Gallego-Romero, J.M., Alario Hoyos, C., Estévez Ayres, I., Delgado Kloos, C. Analyzing learners’ engagement and behavior in MOOCs on programming with the Codeboard IDE Educational Technology Research and Development. 68(5):2505-2528, Abril 2020.
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| Shantar, S.K., Rodríguez Triana, M.J., Ruiz Calleja, A., Prieto Santos, L.P., Chejara, P., Martínez Monés, A. Multimodal Data Value Chain (M-DVC): A Conceptual Tool to Support the Development of Multimodal Learning Analytics Solutions IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje. 15(2):113-122, Abril 2020.
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| Moreno-Marcos, P.M., Muñoz Merino, P.J., Alario Hoyos, C., Delgado Kloos, C. Re-defining, Analyzing and Predicting Persistence using Student events in Online Learning Applied Sciences. 10(5):1-24, Marzo 2020.
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| Moreno-Marcos, P.M., Muñoz Merino, P.J., Maldonado Mahauad, J., Pérez Sanagustín, M., Alario Hoyos, C., Delgado Kloos, C. Temporal analysis for dropout prediction using self-regulated learning strategies in self-paced MOOCs Computers & Education. 145:1-15, Febrero 2020.
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| Delgado Kloos, C., Alario Hoyos, C., Muñoz Merino, P.J., Ibáñez, M.B., Estévez Ayres, I., Fernández Panadero, M.C. La Tecnología Educativa en la Era de las Interfaces Naturales y el Aprendizaje Profundo Versión Abierta Español - Portugués de la Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologías del/da Aprendizaje/A. 8(1):28-37, Febrero 2020.
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| Gómez Sánchez, E., Bores Quijano, D., Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Meseguer, R. Estimation of web proxy response times in community networks using matrix factorization algorithms Electronics. 9(1), 88, Enero 2020.
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| Alario Hoyos, C. Oportunidades de investigación en innovación educativa en la era de los MOOCs y el Learning Analytics Revista Paraguaya de Educación a Distancia, FACEN-UNA. 1(1):41-52, Enero 2020.
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| Delgado Kloos, C., Alario Hoyos, C., Muñoz Merino, P.J., Ibáñez, M.B., Estévez Ayres, I., Fernández Panadero, M.C. Educational Technology in the Age of Natural Interfaces and Deep Learning IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologías del Aprendizaje. 15(1):26-33, Enero 2020.
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| Treceño Fernández, D., Calabia del Campo, J., Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Gómez Sánchez, E., de Luis García, R., Alberola López, C. A Web-Based Educational Magnetic Resonance Simulator: Design, Implementation and Testing Journal of Medical Systems. 44(1), Enero 2020.
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| Pozzi, F., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Ceregini, A., Dagnino, F., Dimitriadis, Y., Earp, J. Supporting and representing Learning Design with digital tools: in between guidance and flexibility Technology, Pedagogy and Education. 29(1):109-128, Enero 2020.
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| Dimitriadis, Y., Cai, H., Gu, X. Promoting teacher to adopt ICT for the innovative pedagogies by aligning learning design and learning analytics Open Education Research. 26(1):4-13, Enero 2020.
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| Martínez Monés, A., Dimitriadis, Y., Acquila-Natale, E., Álvarez, A., Caeiro-Rodríguez, M., Cobos, R., Conde-González, M.., García-Peñalvo, F.J., Hernández Leo, D., Menchaca Sierra, I. Achievements and challenges in learning analytics in Spain: The view of SNOLA RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia. 23(2):187-212, 2020.
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| Ortega Arranz, A., Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Martínez Monés, A., Gómez Sánchez, E., Dimitriadis, Y. To reward and beyond: Analyzing the effect of reward-based strategies in a MOOC Computers & Education. 142, 103639, Diciembre 2019.
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| Vega Gorgojo, G., Slaughter, L., von Zernichow, B.M., Nikolov, N., Roman, D. Linked Data Exploration with RDF Surveyor IEEE Access. 7(1):172199-172213, Diciembre 2019.
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| Sanz Martínez, L., Er, E., Martínez Monés, A., Dimitriadis, Y., Bote Lorenzo, M.L. Creating collaborative groups in a MOOC: a homogeneous engagement grouping approach Behaviour & Information Technology. 38(11):1107-1121, Noviembre 2019.
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| Moreno-Marcos, P.M., Alario Hoyos, C., Muñoz Merino, P.J., Estévez Ayres, I., Delgado Kloos, C. A learning analytics methodology for understanding social interactions in MOOCs IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 12(4):442-455, Octubre 2019.
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| Moreno-Marcos, P.M., Alario Hoyos, C., Muñoz Merino, P.J., Delgado Kloos, C. Prediction in MOOCs: A review and future research directions IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 12(3):384-401, Julio 2019.
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| Er, E., Gómez Sánchez, E., Dimitriadis, Y., Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Álvarez Álvarez, S. Aligning Learning Design and Learning Analytics through instructor involvement: a MOOC case study Interactive Learning Environments. 27(5):685-698, Mayo 2019.
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| Morales Chan, M., Barchino Plata, R., Medina, J.A., Alario Hoyos, C., Hernández Rizzardini, R. Modeling educational usage of cloud-based tools in virtual learning environments IEEE Access. 7(1):13347-13354, Febrero 2019.
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| Alario Hoyos, C., Estévez Ayres, I., Delgado Kloos, C., Muñoz Merino, P.J., Llorente-Pérez, E., Villena Román, J. Redesigning a Freshman Engineering Course to Promote Active Learning by Flipping the Classroom through the Reuse of MOOCs International Journal of Engineering Education. 35(1):385-396, Enero 2019.
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| Hernández Leo, D., Martínez Maldonado, R., Pardo, A., Muñoz Cristóbal, J.A., Rodríguez Triana, M.J. Analytics for learning design: A layered framework and tools British Journal of Educational Technology. In press. 50(1):139-152, 2019.
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| Vega Gorgojo, G. Clover Quiz: a trivia game powered by DBpedia Semantic Web. 10(4):779-793, 2019.
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| Vega Gorgojo, G., Slaughter, L., Giese, M. Seeing the Whole Picture: Integrated Pre-Surgery Reports with PreOptique Journal of Biomedical Semantics. 10(5), 2019.
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| Ortega Arranz, A., Er, E., Martínez Monés, A., Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Muñoz Cristóbal, J.A. Understanding Student Behavior and Perceptions toward Earning Badges in a Gamified MOOC Universal Access in the Information Society. 18(3):533-549, 2019.
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| Gallego Lema, V., Muñoz Cristóbal, J.A., Arribas Cubero, H.F., Rubia Avi, B. El Prácticum en Educación Física en el medio natural: conectando espacios físicos y virtuales Movimento. 25, 2019.
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| Serrano Iglesias, S., Gómez Sánchez, E., Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Rodríguez Cayetano, M. A self-scalable distributed network simulation environment based on cloud computing Cluster Computing. 21(4):1899-1915, Diciembre 2018.
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| Moreno-Marcos, P.M., Muñoz Merino, P.J., Alario Hoyos, C., Estévez Ayres, I., Delgado Kloos, C. Analysing the predictive power for anticipating assignment grades in a Massive Open Online Course Behaviour & Information Technology. 37(10):1021-1036, Octubre 2018.
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| Muñoz Merino, P.J., Alario Hoyos, C., Muñoz Organero, M., Delgado Kloos, C., Fernández Molina, M. The Effect of Different Features for Educational Computer-based Competition Environments IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 11(4):468-477, Octubre 2018.
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| Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Gómez Sánchez, E. An approach to build in situ models for the prediction of the decrease of academic engagement indicators in Massive Open Online Courses Journal of Universal Computer Science. 24(8):1052-1071, Agosto 2018.
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| Sanz Martínez, L., Er, E., Dimitriadis, Y., Martínez Monés, A., Bote Lorenzo, M.L. Supporting teachers in the design and implementation of group formation policies in MOOCS: a case study Journal of Universal Computer Science. 24(8):1110-1130, Agosto 2018.
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| Alario Hoyos, C., Estévez Ayres, I., Gallego-Romero, J.M., Delgado Kloos, C., Fernández Panadero, M.C., Crespo García, R.M., Almenares, F., Ibáñez, M.B., Villena Román, J., Ruiz Magaña, J. A Study of Learning-by-Doing in MOOCs through the Integration of Third-Party External Tools: Comparison of Synchronous and Asynchronous Running Modes Journal of Universal Computer Science. 24(8):1015-1033, Agosto 2018.
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| Morales Chan, M., Barchino Plata, R., Medina, J.A., Alario Hoyos, C., Hernández Rizzardini, R., de la Roca, M. Analysis of Behavioral Intention to Use Cloud-Based Tools in a MOOC: A Technology Acceptance Model Approach Journal of Universal Computer Science. 24(8):1072-1089, Agosto 2018.
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| Estévez Ayres, I., Arias Fisteus, J., Uguina Gadella, L., Alario Hoyos, C., Delgado Kloos, C. Uncovering Flipped-classroom Problems at an Engineering Course on Systems Architecture through Data-driven Learning Design International Journal of Engineering Education. 34(3):865-878, Mayo 2018.
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| Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Gómez Sánchez, E., Mediavilla Pastor, C., Asensio Pérez, J.I. Online machine learning algorithms to predict link quality in community wireless mesh networks Computer Networks. 132:68-80, Febrero 2018.
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| Hernández Leo, D., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Derntl, M., Pozzi, F., Chacón, J., Prieto Santos, L.P., Persico, D. An Integrated Environment for Learning Design Frontiers in ICT. 5(9), 2018.
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| Muñoz Cristóbal, J.A., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Martínez Monés, A., Prieto Santos, L.P., Jorrín Abellán, I.M., Dimitriadis, Y. Learning Buckets: Helping Teachers Introduce Flexibility in the Management of Learning Artifacts Across Spaces IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 11(2):203-215, 2018.
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| Prieto Santos, L.P., Rodríguez Triana, M.J., Martínez Maldonado, R., Dimitriadis, Y., Gašević, D. Orchestrating learning analytics (OrLA): Supporting inter-stakeholder communication about adoption of learning analytics at the classroom level Australasian Journal of Educational Technology. 35(4):14-33, 2018.
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| Dagnino, F., Dimitriadis, Y., Pozzi, F., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Rubia Avi, B. Exploring teachers needs and the existing barriers to the adoption of Learning Design methods and tools: A literature survey British Journal of Educational Technology. 49(6):998-1013, 2018.
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| Marín, V.I., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Villagrá Sobrino, S.L., Hernández Leo, D., García Sastre, S. Supporting online collaborative design for teacher professional development Technology, Pedagogy and Education. 27(5):571-587, 2018.
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| Muñoz Cristóbal, J.A., Hernández Leo, D., Carvalho, L., Martínez Maldonado, R., Thompson, K., Wardak, D., Goodyear, P. 4FAD: A framework for mapping the evolution of artefacts in the learning design process Australasian Journal of Educational Technology. 34(2), 2018.
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| Muñoz Cristóbal, J.A., Gallego Lema, V., Arribas Cubero, H.F., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Martínez Monés, A. Game of Blazons: Helping teachers conduct learning situations that integrate web tools and multiple types of augmented reality IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 11(4):506-519, 2018.
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| Muñoz Cristóbal, J.A., Rodríguez Triana, M.J., Gallego Lema, V., Arribas Cubero, H.F., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Martínez Monés, A. Monitoring for awareness and reflection in ubiquitous learning environments International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 34(2):146-165, 2018.
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| Ramírez-Donoso, L., Rojas-Riethmuller, J.S., Pérez Sanagustín, M., Neyem, A., Alario Hoyos, C. MyMOOCSpace: A Cloud-Based Mobile System to Support Effective Collaboration in Higher Education Online Courses Computer Applications in Engineering Education. 25(6):910-926, Noviembre 2017.
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| Giménez García, J.M., Fernández, J.D., Martínez Prieto, M.A. A MapReduce-based approach to scale big semantic data compression with HDT IEEE Latin America Transactions. 15(7):1270-1277, 7, Junio 2017.
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| Alario Hoyos, C., Estévez Ayres, I., Pérez Sanagustín, M., Delgado Kloos, C., Fernández Panadero, M.C. Understanding Learners’ Motivation and Learning Strategies in MOOCs The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning. 18(3):119-137, Mayo 2017.
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| Pérez Sanagustín, M., Hilliger, I., Alario Hoyos, C., Delgado Kloos, C., Rayyan, S. H-MOOC Framework: Reusing MOOCs for Hybrid Education Journal of Computing in Higher Education. 29(1):47-64, Abril 2017.
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| Ruiz Calleja, A., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Vega Gorgojo, G., Gómez Sánchez, E., Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Alario Hoyos, C. Enriching the Web of Data with educational information using We-Share The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning. 18(1):247-265, Febrero 2017.
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| Martínez Maldonado, R., Goodyear, P., Carvalho, L., Thompson, K., Hernández Leo, D., Dimitriadis, Y., Prieto Santos, L.P., Wardak, D. Supporting Collaborative Design Activity in a Multi-User Digital Design Ecology Computers in Human Behavior. 71:327-342, Febrero 2017.
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| Pérez Sanagustín, M., Nussbaum, M., Hilliger, I., Alario Hoyos, C., Heller, R.S., Twining, P., Tsai, C.C. Research on ICT in K-12 schools - a review of experimental and survey-based studies in Computers & Education 2011 to 2015 Computers & Education. 104(1):1-15, Enero 2017.
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| Muñoz Cristóbal, J.A., Gallego Lema, V., Arribas Cubero, H.F., Martínez Monés, A., Asensio Pérez, J.I. Using virtual learning environments in bricolage mode for orchestrating learning situations across physical and virtual spaces Computers & Education. 109:233-252, 2017.
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| Gallego Lema, V., Muñoz Cristóbal, J.A., Arribas Cubero, H.F., Rubia Avi, B. La orientación en el medio natural: aprendizaje ubicuo mediante el uso de tecnología Movimento. 23(1):755-770, 2017.
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| Asensio Pérez, J.I., Dimitriadis, Y., Pozzi, F., Hernández Leo, D., Prieto Santos, L.P., Persico, D., Villagrá Sobrino, S.L. Towards teaching as design: Exploring the interplay between full-lifecycle learning design tooling and Teacher Professional Development Computers & Education. (114):92-116, 2017.
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| Bordiés López, O., Dimitriadis, Y. Exploring Teachers Perceptions on Modeling Effort Demanded by CSCL Designs with Explicit Artifact Flow Support Journal for Universal Computer Science. 22(10):1398-1417, Octubre 2016.
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| Alario Hoyos, C., Muñoz Merino, P.J., Pérez Sanagustín, M., Delgado Kloos, C., Parada G., H.A. Who are the top contributors in a MOOC? Relating participants’ performance and contributions Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. 32(3):232-243, Junio 2016.
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| Vega Gorgojo, G., Giese, M., Heggestøyl, S., Soylu, A., Waaler, A. PepeSearch: Semantic Data for the Masses PLoS ONE. 11(3), Marzo 2016.
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| Soylu, A., Giese, M., Jiménez Ruiz, E., Vega Gorgojo, G., Horrocks, I. Experiencing OptiqueVQS: a multi-paradigm and ontology-based visual query system for end users Universal Access in the Information Society. 15(1):129-152, Marzo 2016.
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| Vega Gorgojo, G., Tiropanis, T., Millard, D.E. The Opportunity of Linked Data for the European Higher Education Area International Journal of Information and Education Technology. 6(1):58-64, Enero 2016.
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| Vega Gorgojo, G., Slaughter, L., Giese, M., Heggestøyl, S., Soylu, A., Waaler, A. Visual query interfaces for semantic datasets: An evaluation study Journal of Web Semantics. 39:81-96, 2016.
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| Vega Gorgojo, G., Fjellheim, R., Roman, D., Akerkar, R., Waaler, A. Big Data in the Oil & Gas Upstream Industry – A Case Study on the Norwegian Continental Shelf OIL GAS European Magazine. 42(2):67-77, 2016.
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| Rodríguez Triana, M.J., Martínez Monés, A., Villagrá Sobrino, S.L. Learning analytics in small-scale teacher-led innovations: Ethical and data privacy issues. Journal of Learning Analytics. 3(1):43-65, 2016.
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| Marcos García, J.A., Martínez Monés, A., Dimitriadis, Y. DESPRO: A method based on roles to provide collaboration analysis support adapted to the participants in CSCL situations Computers & Education. , Diciembre 2015.
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| Pérez Sanagustín, M., Muñoz Merino, P.J., Alario Hoyos, C., Soldani, X., Delgado Kloos, C. Lessons Learned from the Design of Situated Learning Environments to Support Collaborative Knowledge Construction Computers & Education. 87(1):70-82, Septiembre 2015.
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| Estévez Ayres, I., Alario Hoyos, C., Pérez Sanagustín, M., Pardo, A., Crespo García, R.M., Leony, D., Parada G., H.A., Delgado Kloos, C. A Methodology for improving Active Learning Engineering Courses with a large number of Students and Teachers through Feedback Gathering and Iterative refinement International Journal of Technology and Design Education. 25(3):387-408, Agosto 2015.
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| Alario Hoyos, C., Gómez Sánchez, E., Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Vega Gorgojo, G., Ruiz Calleja, A. From face-to-face to distance LMS-mediated collaborative learning situations with GLUE! Computer Applications in Engineering Education. 23(4):527-536, Julio 2015.
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| Muñoz Merino, P.J., Ruipérez Valiente, J.A., Alario Hoyos, C., Pérez Sanagustín, M., Delgado Kloos, C. Precise Effectiveness Strategy for Analyzing the Effectiveness of Students with Educational Resources and Activities in MOOCs Computers in Human Behavior. 47:108-118, Junio 2015.
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| Alario Hoyos, C., Estévez Ayres, I., Pérez Sanagustín, M., Leony, D., Delgado Kloos, C. MyLearningMentor: A Mobile App to Support Learners Participating in MOOCs Journal of Universal Computer Science. 21(5):735-753, Mayo 2015.
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| Giese, M., Soylu, A., Vega Gorgojo, G., Waaler, A., Haase, P., Jiménez Ruiz, E., Lanti, D., Rezk, M., Xiao, G., Özçep, . Optique: Zooming in on Big Data Computer. 48(3):60-67, Marzo 2015.
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| González Martínez, J.A., Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Gómez Sánchez, E., Cano Parra, R. Cloud computing and education: A state-of-the-art survey Computers & Education. 80(1):132-151, Enero 2015.
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| Rodríguez Triana, M.J., Martínez Monés, A., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Dimitriadis, Y. A Monitoring-Aware Learning Design Process: Pilot Studies in Authentic CSCL Scenarios Computing & Informatics Journal. Special issue on: Selected Topics in Collaboration and Technology. 34(3):615-651, 2015.
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| Muñoz Cristóbal, J.A., Prieto Santos, L.P., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Martínez Monés, A., Jorrín Abellán, I.M., Dimitriadis, Y. Coming down to Earth: Helping teachers use 3D virtual worlds in across-spaces learning situations Educational Technology & Society. 18(1):13-26, 2015.
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| Muñoz Cristóbal, J.A., Jorrín Abellán, I.M., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Martínez Monés, A., Prieto Santos, L.P., Dimitriadis, Y. Supporting Teacher Orchestration in Ubiquitous Learning Environments: A Study in Primary Education IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 8(1):83-97, 2015.
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| Vega Gorgojo, G., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Gómez Sánchez, E., Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Muñoz Cristóbal, J.A., Ruiz Calleja, A. A Review of Linked Data Proposals in the Learning Domain Journal of Universal Computer Science. 21(2):326-364, 2015.
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| Prieto Santos, L.P., Dimitriadis, Y., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Looi, C. Orchestration in learning technology research: evaluation of a conceptual framework Research in Learning Technology. 23, 2015.
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| Lozano Álvarez, A., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Vega Gorgojo, G., Martínez Monés, A. Helping teachers align learning objectives and evidence: integration of ePortfolios in Distributed Learning Environments Journal of Universal Computer Science. 21(8):1022-1041, 2015.
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| Prieto Santos, L.P., Tchounikine, P., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Sobreira, P., Dimitriadis, Y. Exploring teachers’ perceptions on different CSCL script editing tools Computers & Education. 78:383-396, Septiembre 2014.
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| Alario Hoyos, C., Pérez Sanagustín, M., Delgado Kloos, C., Parada G., H.A., Muñoz Organero, M. Delving into participants’ profiles and use of social tools in MOOCs IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 7(3):260-266, Julio 2014.
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| Ruiz Calleja, A., Vega Gorgojo, G., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Gómez Sánchez, E., Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Alario Hoyos, C. SEEK-AT-WD: A social-semantic infrastructure to sustain educational ICT tool descriptions in the Web of Data Educational Technology & Society. 17(2):321-332, Abril 2014.
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| Prieto Santos, L.P., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Muñoz Cristóbal, J.A., Jorrín Abellán, I.M., Dimitriadis, Y., Gómez Sánchez, E. Supporting orchestration of CSCL scenarios in web-based Distributed Learning Environments Computers & Education. 73:9-25, Abril 2014.
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| Pérez Sanagustín, M., Alario Hoyos, C., Delgado Kloos, C. FLINN: A framework to characterize technology enhanced formal, non-formal and informal learning situations International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals. 5(2):38-51, Abril 2014.
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| Rosen, T., Nussbaum, M., Alario Hoyos, C., Readi, F., Hernández, J. Silent collaboration with large groups in the classroom IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 7(2):197-202, Abril 2014.
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| Alario Hoyos, C., Pérez Sanagustín, M., Cormier, D., Delgado Kloos, C. Proposal for a conceptual framework for educators to describe and design MOOCs Journal of Universal Computer Science. 20(1):6-23, Marzo 2014.
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| Alario Hoyos, C., Pérez Sanagustín, M., Delgado Kloos, C., Gutiérrez Rojas, I., Leony, D., Parada G., H.A. Designing your first MOOC from scratch: recommendations after teaching Digital Education of the Future eLearning papers, From the field. 37(3):1-7, Marzo 2014.
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| Caballero, D., van Riesen, S.A.N., Álvarez, S., Nussbaum, M., de Jong, T., Alario Hoyos, C. The effects of whole-class interactive instruction with single display groupware for triangles Computers & Education. 70(1):203-211, Enero 2014.
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| Emin Martinez, V., Hansen, C., Rodríguez Triana, M.J., Wasson, B., Mor, Y., Dascalu, M., Ferguson, R., Pernin, J. Towards Teacher-led Design Inquiry of Learning E-learning papers Journal. Special issue on: Learning Analytics and Assessment.. 36:4-14, Enero 2014.
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| Muñoz Cristóbal, J.A., Prieto Santos, L.P., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Martínez Monés, A., Jorrín Abellán, I.M., Dimitriadis, Y. Deploying learning designs across physical and web spaces: Making pervasive learning affordable for teachers Pervasive and Mobile Computing. 14:31-46, 2014.
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| Prieto Santos, L.P., Dimitriadis, Y., Asensio Pérez, J.I. Orchestrating Evaluation of Complex Educational Technologies: A Case Study of a CSCL System Qualitative Research in Education. 3(2):175-203, 2014.
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| Rodríguez Triana, M.J., Martínez Monés, A., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Dimitriadis, Y. Scripting and monitoring meet each other: Aligning learning analytics and learning design to support teachers in orchestrating CSCL situations British Journal of Educational Technology. 46(2):330-343, 2014.
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| Muñoz Cristóbal, J.A., Martínez Monés, A., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Villagrá Sobrino, S.L., Hoyos Torío, J.E., Dimitriadis, Y. City Ads: Embedding Virtual Worlds and Augmented Reality in Everyday Educational Practice Journal of Universal Computer Science. 20(12):1670-1689, 2014.
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| Martínez Maldonado, R., Dimitriadis, Y., Martínez Monés, A., Kay, J., Yacef, K. Capturing and analysing verbal and physical collaborative learning interactions at an enriched interactive tabletop International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. 8(4):455-485, Diciembre 2013.
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| Dimitriadis, Y., Prieto Santos, L.P., Asensio Pérez, J.I. The role of design and enactment patterns in orchestration: helping to integrate technology in blended classroom ecosystems Computers & Education. 69:496-499, Noviembre 2013.
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| Roschelle, J., Dimitriadis, Y., Hoppe, U. Classroom Orchestration: Synthesis Computers & Education. 69:523-526, Noviembre 2013.
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| Jorrín Abellán, I.M., Villagrá Sobrino, S.L., García Sastre, S. Escuela Nueva in Spain: Origins and implications in teachers professional development for the 21st Century International Journal of Progressive Education. 9(3):14-33, Octubre 2013.
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| Villasclaras Fernández, E.D., Hernández Leo, D., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Dimitriadis, Y. Web Collage: An implementation of support for assessment design in CSCL macro-scripts Computers & Education. 67:79-97, Septiembre 2013.
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| Palomino Ramírez, L., Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Vignollet, L., Dimitriadis, Y. LeadFlow4LD: A Method for the Computational Representation of the Learning Flow and Data Flow in Collaborative Learning Journal of Universal Computer Science. 19(6):805-830, Julio 2013.
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| Moreno, V., Dodero, J.M., Pardo, A., Romero Ternero, M.d.C., Dimitriadis, Y., Asensio Pérez, J.I. Applying Recommendations to Align Competences, Methodology, and Assessment in Telematics, Computing, and Electronic Engineering Courses IEEE Journal of Latin-American Learning Technologies. 8(1):15-22, Febrero 2013.
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| Cano Izquierdo, J.M., Pinzolas, M., Gómez Sánchez, E., Araúzo Bravo, M.J., Ibarrola, J. How well Fuzzy ARTMAP approximates functions? Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems. 24, Febrero 2013.
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| Alario Hoyos, C., Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Gómez Sánchez, E., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Vega Gorgojo, G., Ruiz Calleja, A. Enhancing Learning Environments by Integrating External Applications Bulletin of the IEEE Technical Committee on Learning Technology. 15(1):21-24, Enero 2013.
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| Alario Hoyos, C., Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Gómez Sánchez, E., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Vega Gorgojo, G., Ruiz Calleja, A. GLUE!: An Architecture for the Integration of External Tools in Virtual Learning Environments Computers & Education. 60(1):122-137, Enero 2013.
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| Goodyear, P., Dimitriadis, Y. In medias res: reframing design for learning Research in Learning Technology - special issue on Learning Design. 21, 2013.
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| Prieto Santos, L.P., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Muñoz Cristóbal, J.A., Dimitriadis, Y., Jorrín Abellán, I.M., Gómez Sánchez, E. Enabling Teachers to Deploy CSCL Designs across Distributed Learning Environments Transactions on Learning Technologies. 6(4):324-336, 2013.
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| Rivera Pelayo, V., Rodríguez Triana, M.J., Petrushyna, Z., Braun, S., Loureiro, A., Kawase, R. Editorial International Journal on Technology Enhanced Learning. Special Issue on Learning Analytics. 5(2):97-106, 2013.
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| Rodríguez Triana, M.J., Martínez Monés, A., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Dimitriadis, Y. Towards a Script-Aware Monitoring Process of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Scenarios International Journal on Technology Enhanced Learning. Special Issue on Learning Analytics. 5(2):151-167, 2013.
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| Dimitriadis, Y., Goodyear, P. Forward-oriented design for learning: Illustrating the approach Research in Learning Technology. 21, 2013.
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| Persico, D., Pozzi, F., Anastopoulou, S., Conole, G., Craft, B., Dimitriadis, Y., Hernández Leo, D., Kali, Y., Mor, Y., Pérez Sanagustín, M. Learning Design Rashomon I – Supporting the design of one lesson through different approaches Research in Learning Technology. 21, 2013.
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| Prieto Santos, L.P., Dimitriadis, Y., Craft, B., Derntl, M., Emin Martinez, V., Katsamani, M., Laurrilard, D., Mastermann, E., Retalis, S., Villasclaras Fernández, E.D. Learning Design Rashomon II -- exploring one lesson through multiple tools Research in Learning Technology. 21, 2013.
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| Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Gómez Sánchez, E., Vega Gorgojo, G., Alario Hoyos, C. A grid service-based Distributed Network Simulation Environment for Computer Networks education Computer Applications in Engineering Education. 20(4):654-665, Diciembre 2012.
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| Ruiz Calleja, A., Vega Gorgojo, G., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Gómez Sánchez, E., Alario Hoyos, C. A Linked Data approach for the discovery of educational ICT tools in the Web of Data Computers & Education. 59(3):952-962, Noviembre 2012.
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| Muñoz Cristóbal, J.A., Prieto Santos, L.P., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Jorrín Abellán, I.M., Dimitriadis, Y. Orchestrating TEL situations across spaces using Augmented Reality through GLUE!-PS AR Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology. 14(4):14-16, Octubre 2012.
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| Moreno, V., Hernández Leo, D., Dodero, J.M., Pardo, A., Romero Ternero, M.d.C., Dimitriadis, Y., Asensio Pérez, J.I. Aplicación de Recomendaciones para la Alineación de Competencias, Metodología y Evaluación en Asignaturas de Ingeniería Telemática, Informática y Electrónica IEEE-RITA: Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologías del Aprendizaje. 7(1):13-20, Febrero 2012.
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| Vega Gorgojo, G., Gómez Sánchez, E., Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Asensio Pérez, J.I. RESTifying a Legacy Semantic Search System: Experience and Lessons Learned Journal of Universal Computer Science (JUCS). 18(2):286-311, 2012.
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| Dimitriadis, Y. The technological dimension of Educational Technology in Europe Educational Technology Magazine, Número Especial sobre Educational Technology in Europe. 51(2):50-53, 2012.
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| Prieto Santos, L.P., Holenko Dlab, M., Gutiérrez Rojas, I., Abdulwahed, M., Balid, W. Orchestrating technology enhanced learning: a literature review and a conceptual framework International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning. 3(6):583-598, Diciembre 2011.
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| Rodríguez Triana, M.J., Martínez Monés, A., Asensio Pérez, J.I. Monitoring Collaboration in Flexible and Personal Learning Environments Special issue on: Evaluating Educative Experiences of Flexible and Personal Learning Environments. I. 11(12):51-63, Noviembre 2011.
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| Prieto Santos, L.P., Villagrá Sobrino, S.L., Jorrín Abellán, I.M., Martínez Monés, A., Dimitriadis, Y. Recurrent routines: analyzing and supporting orchestration in technology-enhanced primary classrooms Computers & Education. 57(1):1214-1227, Agosto 2011.
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| Simmross Wattenberg, F., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Casaseca de la Higuera, J.P., Martín Fernández, M., Dimitriadis, Y., Alberola López, C. Anomaly Detection in Network Traffic based on Statistical Inference and alpha–Stable Modeling IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. 8(4):494-509, Julio 2011.
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| Ruiz Calleja, A., Vega Gorgojo, G., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Gómez Sánchez, E., Alario Hoyos, C. A Linked-Data based infrastructure for the retrieval of educational tools IEEE Learning Technology Newsletter. 13(1):15-17, Enero 2011.
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| Persico, D., Pozzi, F., Dimitriadis, Y. Structuring techniques and strategies to support collaboration in an on-line knowledge building community Qwerty. 6(2):179-200, 2011.
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| Páez Paredes, M., Díez Domínguez, T., Dimitriadis, Y., Jorrín Abellán, I.M. El trabajo metodológico a través de entornos virtuales en la Universidad de Pinar del Río Revista Pedagogía Universitaria. 16(2):1-11, 2011.
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| Vignollet, L., Charoy, F., Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Asensio Pérez, J.I. Work Flow Management and Learn Flow Management: commonalities and differences IEEE Learning Technology Newsletter. 12(3):35-37, Julio 2010.
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| Vega Gorgojo, G., Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Gómez Sánchez, E., Dimitriadis, Y., Jorrín Abellán, I.M. Semantic search of tools for collaborative learning with the Ontoolsearch system Computers & Education. 54(4):835-848, Mayo 2010.
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| Hernández Leo, D., Jorrín Abellán, I.M., Villasclaras Fernández, E.D., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Dimitriadis, Y. A multicase study for the evaluation of a pattern-based visual design process for collaborative learning Journal of Visual Languages & Computing. 21:313-331, 2010.
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| Villasclaras Fernández, E.D., Hernández Gonzalo, J.A., Hernández Leo, D., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Dimitriadis, Y., Martínez Monés, A. InstanceCollage: A Tool for the Particularization of Collaborative IMS-LD Scripts Special Issue on New Directions in Advanced Learning Technologies. Educational Technology & Society. 12(4):56-70, Octubre 2009.
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| Gómez Sánchez, E., Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Jorrín Abellán, I.M., Vega Gorgojo, G., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Dimitriadis, Y. Conceptual framework for design, technological support and evaluation of collaborative learning International Journal of Engineering Education. 25(3):557-568, Mayo 2009.
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| Villasclaras Fernández, E.D., Hernández Leo, D., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Dimitriadis, Y. Incorporating assessment in a pattern-based design process for CSCL scripts Computers in Human Behavior. , 2009.
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| Alvino, S., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Dimitriadis, Y., Hernández Leo, D. Supporting the reuse of effective CSCL learning designs through social structure representations Distance Education. 30(2):239-258, 2009.
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| de la Fuente Valentín, L., Pardo, A., Delgado Kloos, C., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Dimitriadis, Y. Modelos de aprendizaje colaborativo en entornos a distancia con learning design: Un caso de estudio IEEE-RITA: Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologías del Aprendizaje. 4(2):147-157, 2009.
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| Rubia Avi, B., Ruiz Requies, I., Anguita Martínez, R., Jorrín Abellán, I.M., Rodríguez Navarro, H. Experiencias colaborativas apoyadas en e-learning para el Espacio europeo de Educación Superior: Un estudio de seis casos en la Universidad de Valladolid (España) Revista Latinoamericana de Tecnología Educativa. 8(1):17-34, 2009.
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| Hernández Leo, D., Villasclaras Fernández, E.D., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Dimitriadis, Y., Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Jorrín Abellán, I.M. The added value of implementing the Planet Game scenario with Collage and Gridcole Journal of Interactive Media in Education. , Diciembre 2008.
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| Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Gómez Sánchez, E., Vega Gorgojo, G., Dimitriadis, Y., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Jorrín Abellán, I.M. Gridcole: a tailorable grid service based system that supports scripted collaborative learning Computers & Education. 51(1):155-172, Agosto 2008.
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| Coppola, M., Jègou, Y., Matthews, B., Morin, C., Prieto Santos, L.P., Sánchez, .D., Yang, E., Yu, H. Virtual Organization Support within a Grid-Wide Operating System IEEE Internet Computing. 12(2):20-28, Marzo 2008.
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| Vega Gorgojo, G., Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Gómez Sánchez, E., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Dimitriadis, Y., Jorrín Abellán, I.M. Ontoolcole: Supporting Educators in the Semantic Search of CSCL Tools Journal of Universal Computer Science (JUCS). 14(1):27-58, Enero 2008.
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| Zigurs, I., Dimitriadis, Y. An interactive and interdisciplinary perspective on continuing evolution in groupware research International Journal of e-Collaboration. 4, 2008.
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| Jorrín Abellán, I.M., Rubia Avi, B., Anguita Martínez, R., Gómez Sánchez, E., Martínez Monés, A. Bouncing between the dark and bright sides: Can technology help qualitative research? Journal of Qualitative Inquiry, Special Issue on Technology. , Diciembre 2007.
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| Marcos García, J.A., Martínez Monés, A., Dimitriadis, Y., Anguita Martínez, R. A role-based approach for the support of collaborative learning activities e-Service Journal. 6(1):40-58, Diciembre 2007.
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| Jorrín Abellán, I.M., Anguita Martínez, R., Rubia Avi, B., Dimitriadis, Y., Ruiz Requies, I., Marcos García, J.A., Villagrá Sobrino, S.L. Lo que el ojo no ve: un estudio de caso basado en procesos de indagación co(wiki)laborativos Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a distancia. 10(2):75-96, Diciembre 2007.
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| Hernández Leo, D., Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Gómez Sánchez, E., Villasclaras Fernández, E.D., Jorrín Abellán, I.M., Dimitriadis, Y. Free- and Open Source Software for a Course on Network Management: Authoring and Enactment of Scripts based on Collaborative Learning Strategies IEEE Transactions on Education. 50(4):292-301, Noviembre 2007.
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| Hernández Leo, D., Harrer, A., Dodero, J.M., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Burgos, D. A Framework for the Conceptualization of Approaches to “Create-by-Reuse” of Learning Design Solutions Journal of Universal Computer Science. 13(7):991-1001, Octubre 2007.
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| Roschelle, J., Tatar, D., Chaudhur, S.R., Dimitriadis, Y., Patton, C.M., DiGiano, C. Ink, improvisation and interactive engagement: Learning with tablets IEEE Computer. 40(9):42-48, Septiembre 2007.
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| Martínez Monés, A., Dimitriadis, Y., Gómez Sánchez, E., Jorrín Abellán, I.M., Rubia Avi, B., Marcos García, J.A. Studying participation networks in collaboration using mixed methods International Journal on CSCL. 1(3):383-408, Septiembre 2006.
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| Vega Gorgojo, G., Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Gómez Sánchez, E., Dimitriadis, Y., Asensio Pérez, J.I. A semantic approach to discovering learning services in grid-based collaborative systems Future Generation Computer Systems. 22(6):709-719, Mayo 2006.
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| Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Ardaiz Villanueva, O. Collaborative and learning applications of grid technology (Guest Editorial) Future Generation Computer Systems. 22(6):699-699, Mayo 2006.
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| Daradoumis, T., Martínez Monés, A., Xhafa, F. A layered framework for evaluating on-line collaborative learning interactions International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. 64(7):622-635, Marzo 2006.
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| Hernández Leo, D., Villasclaras Fernández, E.D., Jorrín Abellán, I.M., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Dimitriadis, Y., Ruiz Requies, I., Rubia Avi, B. Collage, a Collaborative Learning Design Editor Based on Patterns Special Issue on Learning Design, Educational Technology & Society. 9(1):58-71, Enero 2006.
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| Rubia Avi, B., Anguita Martínez, R., Ruiz Requies, I. Evolución de un proyecto colaborativo en la formación práctica interdisciplinar de Magisterio en un entorno tecnológico: dos años de experiencia. Revista Latinoamericana de Tecnología Educativa. 5(2):309-323, 2006.
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| Hernández Leo, D., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Dimitriadis, Y. Computational Representation of Collaborative Learning Flow Patterns Using IMS Learning Desing Educational Technology & Society. 8(4):75-89, Octubre 2005.
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| Hernández Leo, D., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Dimitriadis, Y., Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Jorrín Abellán, I.M., Villasclaras Fernández, E.D. Reusing IMS-LD Formalized Best Practices in Collaborative Learning Structuring Advanced Technology for Learning (versión extendida del artículo de la WB5). 2(4):223-232, Octubre 2005.
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| Martínez Monés, A., Gómez Sánchez, E., Dimitriadis, Y., Jorrín Abellán, I.M., Rubia Avi, B., Vega Gorgojo, G. Multiple Case Studies to Enhance Project-Based Learning in a Computer Architecture Course IEEE Transactions on Education. 48(3):482-489, Agosto 2005.
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| Soller, A., Martínez Monés, A., Jermann, P., Muehlenbrock, M. From Mirroring to Guiding: A Review of the State of the Art Technology for Supporting Collaborative Learning International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education (ijAIED). 15:261-290, 2005.
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| Jorrín Abellán, I.M., Vega Gorgojo, G., Gómez Sánchez, E. El papel facilitador de las TIC en un proceso de aprendizaje colaborativo Revista Latinoamericana de Tecnología Educativa vol.1 nº 1 ISSN 1695-288X. 1(1):251-268, Octubre 2004.
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| Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Hernández Leo, D., Dimitriadis, Y., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Gómez Sánchez, E., Vega Gorgojo, G., Vaquero González, L.M. Towards Reusability and Tailorability in Collaborative Learning Systems Using IMS-LD and Grid Services Advanced Technology for Learning. 1(3):129-138, Septiembre 2004.
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| Araúzo Bravo, M.J., Cano Izquierdo, J.M., Gómez Sánchez, E., López Nieto, M., Dimitriadis, Y., López Coronado, J. Automatization of a penicillin production process with soft sensors and an adaptive controller based on neuro fuzzy systems Control Engineering Practice. 12(9):1073-1090, Septiembre 2004.
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| Rubia Avi, B. La tecnología educativa en los nuevos títulos universitarios Revista Latinoamericana de Tecnología Educativa. 3(1):145-158, 2004.
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| Dimitriadis, Y., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Martínez Monés, A., Osuna Gómez, C. Component-Based Software Engineering and CSCL: component identification and dimensioning Upgrade (digital journal of European Profesional Informatics Societies), special issue on e-learning. 4(5):21-28, Octubre 2003.
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| Martínez Monés, A., Dimitriadis, Y., Rubia Avi, B., Gómez Sánchez, E., de la Fuente Redondo, P. Combining qualitative evaluation and social network analysis for the study of classroom social interactions Computers and Education. 41(4):353-368, Septiembre 2003.
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| Parrado Hernández, E., Gómez Sánchez, E., Dimitriadis, Y. Study of distributed learning as a solution to category proliferation in Fuzzy ARTMAP based neural systems Neural Networks. 16(7):1039-1057, Septiembre 2003.
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| Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Dimitriadis, Y., Gómez Sánchez, E. Automatic extraction of human-recognizable shape and execution prototypes of handwritten characters Pattern Recognition. 36(7):1605-1617, Julio 2003.
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| Dimitriadis, Y., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Martínez Monés, A., Osuna Gómez, C. Ingeniería de Software basada en componentes y CSCL en el campo del teleaprendizaje Novática. 165:19-25, 2003.
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| Cano Izquierdo, J.M., Dimitriadis, Y., Gómez Sánchez, E., López Coronado, J. Learning from noisy information in FasArt and FasBack neuro-fuzzy systems Neural Networks. 14(4):407-425, Mayo 2001.
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| Gómez Sánchez, E., Dimitriadis, Y., Sánchez-Reyes Más, M., Sánchez García, P., Cano Izquierdo, J.M., López Coronado, J. On-line character analysis and recognition with fuzzy neural networks Inteligent Automation and Soft Computing. 7(3):163-175, Mayo 2001.
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| Asensio Pérez, J.I., Calmeau, R., Dimitriadis, Y., García Rodríguez, E., Martín Fernández, M., Soto Campos, I. Hierarchy and Competition in CSCW applications: Model and case study Journal of Decision Support Systems. 7:239-261, Noviembre 1998.
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| Gómez Sánchez, E., Gago González, J.., Dimitriadis, Y., Cano Izquierdo, J.M., López Coronado, J. Experimental study of a novel neuro-fuzzy system for on-line handwritten UNIPEN digit recognition Pattern Recognition Letters. 19(3):357-364, Marzo 1998.
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