Luis Pablo Prieto Santos
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Station 20 (Lab. RLC D1 740)
CH-1015 Lausanne
Teléfono: +41 21 69 32972
- Junio 2001: Ingeniero de Telecomunicaciones (Universidad de Valladolid)
Publicaciones en Revistas Internacionales
| Prieto Santos, L.P., Odriozola-González, P., Rodríguez Triana, M.J., Dimitriadis, Y., Ley, T. Progress-Oriented Workshops for Doctoral Wellbeing: Evidence from a Two-Country Design-Based Research International Journal of Doctoral Studies. 17:39-66, Enero 2022.
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| Rodríguez Triana, M.J., Prieto Santos, L.P., Dimitriadis, Y., de Jong, T., Gillet, D. ADA for IBL: Lessons learned in Aligning learning Design and Analytics for Inquiry-Based Learning orchestration Journal of Learning Analytics. 8(2):22-50, Septiembre 2021.
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| Chejara, P., Prieto Santos, L.P., Ruiz Calleja, A., Rodríguez Triana, M.J., Shantar, S.K., Kasepalu, R. EFAR-MMLA: An Evaluation Framework to Assess and Report Generalizability of Machine Learning Models in MMLA Sensors. 21(8):1-27, 2863, Abril 2021.
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| Pishtari, G., Rodríguez Triana, M.J., Sarmiento-Márquez, E.M., Pérez Sanagustín, M., Ruiz Calleja, A., Santos, P., Prieto Santos, L.P., Serrano Iglesias, S., Väljataga, T. Learning design and learning analytics in mobile and ubiquitous learning: A systematic review British Journal of Educational Technology. 51(4):1078-1100, Junio 2020.
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| Shantar, S.K., Rodríguez Triana, M.J., Ruiz Calleja, A., Prieto Santos, L.P., Chejara, P., Martínez Monés, A. Multimodal Data Value Chain (M-DVC): A Conceptual Tool to Support the Development of Multimodal Learning Analytics Solutions IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje. 15(2):113-122, Abril 2020.
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| Hernández Leo, D., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Derntl, M., Pozzi, F., Chacón, J., Prieto Santos, L.P., Persico, D. An Integrated Environment for Learning Design Frontiers in ICT. 5(9), 2018.
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| Prieto Santos, L.P., Rodríguez Triana, M.J., Martínez Maldonado, R., Dimitriadis, Y., Gašević, D. Orchestrating learning analytics (OrLA): Supporting inter-stakeholder communication about adoption of learning analytics at the classroom level Australasian Journal of Educational Technology. 35(4):14-33, 2018.
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| Muñoz Cristóbal, J.A., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Martínez Monés, A., Prieto Santos, L.P., Jorrín Abellán, I.M., Dimitriadis, Y. Learning Buckets: Helping Teachers Introduce Flexibility in the Management of Learning Artifacts Across Spaces IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 11(2):203-215, 2018.
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| Martínez Maldonado, R., Goodyear, P., Carvalho, L., Thompson, K., Hernández Leo, D., Dimitriadis, Y., Prieto Santos, L.P., Wardak, D. Supporting Collaborative Design Activity in a Multi-User Digital Design Ecology Computers in Human Behavior. 71:327-342, Febrero 2017.
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| Asensio Pérez, J.I., Dimitriadis, Y., Pozzi, F., Hernández Leo, D., Prieto Santos, L.P., Persico, D., Villagrá Sobrino, S.L. Towards teaching as design: Exploring the interplay between full-lifecycle learning design tooling and Teacher Professional Development Computers & Education. (114):92-116, 2017.
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| Muñoz Cristóbal, J.A., Jorrín Abellán, I.M., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Martínez Monés, A., Prieto Santos, L.P., Dimitriadis, Y. Supporting Teacher Orchestration in Ubiquitous Learning Environments: A Study in Primary Education IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 8(1):83-97, 2015.
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| Prieto Santos, L.P., Dimitriadis, Y., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Looi, C. Orchestration in learning technology research: evaluation of a conceptual framework Research in Learning Technology. 23, 2015.
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| Muñoz Cristóbal, J.A., Prieto Santos, L.P., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Martínez Monés, A., Jorrín Abellán, I.M., Dimitriadis, Y. Coming down to Earth: Helping teachers use 3D virtual worlds in across-spaces learning situations Educational Technology & Society. 18(1):13-26, 2015.
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| Prieto Santos, L.P., Tchounikine, P., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Sobreira, P., Dimitriadis, Y. Exploring teachers’ perceptions on different CSCL script editing tools Computers & Education. 78:383-396, Septiembre 2014.
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| Prieto Santos, L.P., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Muñoz Cristóbal, J.A., Jorrín Abellán, I.M., Dimitriadis, Y., Gómez Sánchez, E. Supporting orchestration of CSCL scenarios in web-based Distributed Learning Environments Computers & Education. 73:9-25, Abril 2014.
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| Prieto Santos, L.P., Dimitriadis, Y., Asensio Pérez, J.I. Orchestrating Evaluation of Complex Educational Technologies: A Case Study of a CSCL System Qualitative Research in Education. 3(2):175-203, 2014.
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| Muñoz Cristóbal, J.A., Prieto Santos, L.P., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Martínez Monés, A., Jorrín Abellán, I.M., Dimitriadis, Y. Deploying learning designs across physical and web spaces: Making pervasive learning affordable for teachers Pervasive and Mobile Computing. 14:31-46, 2014.
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| Dimitriadis, Y., Prieto Santos, L.P., Asensio Pérez, J.I. The role of design and enactment patterns in orchestration: helping to integrate technology in blended classroom ecosystems Computers & Education. 69:496-499, Noviembre 2013.
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| Prieto Santos, L.P., Dimitriadis, Y., Craft, B., Derntl, M., Emin Martinez, V., Katsamani, M., Laurrilard, D., Mastermann, E., Retalis, S., Villasclaras Fernández, E.D. Learning Design Rashomon II -- exploring one lesson through multiple tools Research in Learning Technology. 21, 2013.
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| Prieto Santos, L.P., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Muñoz Cristóbal, J.A., Dimitriadis, Y., Jorrín Abellán, I.M., Gómez Sánchez, E. Enabling Teachers to Deploy CSCL Designs across Distributed Learning Environments Transactions on Learning Technologies. 6(4):324-336, 2013.
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| Muñoz Cristóbal, J.A., Prieto Santos, L.P., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Jorrín Abellán, I.M., Dimitriadis, Y. Orchestrating TEL situations across spaces using Augmented Reality through GLUE!-PS AR Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology. 14(4):14-16, Octubre 2012.
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| Prieto Santos, L.P., Holenko Dlab, M., Gutiérrez Rojas, I., Abdulwahed, M., Balid, W. Orchestrating technology enhanced learning: a literature review and a conceptual framework International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning. 3(6):583-598, Diciembre 2011.
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| Prieto Santos, L.P., Villagrá Sobrino, S.L., Jorrín Abellán, I.M., Martínez Monés, A., Dimitriadis, Y. Recurrent routines: analyzing and supporting orchestration in technology-enhanced primary classrooms Computers & Education. 57(1):1214-1227, Agosto 2011.
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| Coppola, M., Jègou, Y., Matthews, B., Morin, C., Prieto Santos, L.P., Sánchez, .D., Yang, E., Yu, H. Virtual Organization Support within a Grid-Wide Operating System IEEE Internet Computing. 12(2):20-28, Marzo 2008.
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Publicaciones en Conferencias Internacionales
| Rodríguez Triana, M.J., Prieto Santos, L.P., Martínez Monés, A., Dimitriadis, Y., Asensio Pérez, J.I. Monitoring Collaborative Learning Activities: Exploring the Differential Value of Collaborative Flow Patterns for Learning Analytics, Actas de la IEEE International Conference on Learning Technologies (ICALT 2018), ICALT, Bombay, India, julio 2018, Julio 2018.
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| Rodríguez Triana, M.J., Prieto Santos, L.P., Martínez Monés, A., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Dimitriadis, Y. The teacher in the loop: customizing multimodal Learning Analytics for blended learning Actas de la 8th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge, LAK 2018, Sydney, Australia, 5-9, Marzo 2018.
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| Rodríguez Triana, M.J., Prieto Santos, L.P., Martínez Monés, A., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Dimitriadis, Y. The teacher in the loop: customizing MMLA in blended CSCL scenarios Actas de la Workshop “Multimodal Interactions Across Physical and Digital Spaces in Real World Learning Contexts”, 12th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (ECTEL 2017), Tallín, Estonia, Septiembre 2017, Septiembre 2017.
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| Muñoz Cristóbal, J.A., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Martínez Monés, A., Prieto Santos, L.P., Jorrín Abellán, I.M., Dimitriadis, Y. Bucket-Server: A system for including teacher-controlled flexibility in the management of learning artifacts in across-spaces learning situations Actas de la Tenth European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2015, 518-521, Toledo, España, Septiembre 2015.
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| Asensio Pérez, J.I., Dimitriadis, Y., Prieto Santos, L.P., Hernández Leo, D., Mor, Y. From idea to VLE in half a day: METIS approach and tools for learning co-design Actas de la Second International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality, TEEM 2014, 741-745, Salamanca, España, Octubre 2014.
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| Hernández Leo, D., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Derntl, M., Prieto Santos, L.P., Chacón, J. ILDE: Community Environment for Conceptualizing, Authoring and Deploying Learning Activities Actas de la Ninth European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2014, 16-19, Graz, Austria, Septiembre 2014.
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| Martínez Maldonado, R., Dimitriadis, Y., Clayphan, A., Muñoz Cristóbal, J.A., Kay, J., Prieto Santos, L.P., Rodríguez Triana, M.J. Integrating orchestration of ubiquitous and pervasive learning environments Actas de la 25th Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference: Augmentation, Application, Innovation, Collaboration, OzCHI 2013, 189-192, Adelaide, Australia, Noviembre 2013.
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| Hernández Leo, D., Chacón, J., Prieto Santos, L.P., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Derntl, M. Towards an Integrated Learning Design Environment Actas de la 8th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2013, Paphos, Cyprus, Septiembre 2013.
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| Muñoz Cristóbal, J.A., Prieto Santos, L.P., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Jorrín Abellán, I.M., Martínez Monés, A., Dimitriadis, Y. GLUEPS-AR: A System for the Orchestration of Learning Situations Across Spaces Using Augmented Reality Actas de la 8th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2013, Paphos, Cyprus, Septiembre 2013.
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| Muñoz Cristóbal, J.A., Prieto Santos, L.P., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Jorrín Abellán, I.M., Martínez Monés, A., Dimitriadis, Y. Sharing the Burden: Introducing Student-Centered Orchestration in Across-Spaces Learning Situations Actas de la 8th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2013, Paphos, Cyprus, Septiembre 2013.
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| Prieto Santos, L.P., Muñoz Cristóbal, J.A., Dimitriadis, Y., Asensio Pérez, J.I. Flexible CSCL scripting using paper, generic Augmented Reality browsers and GLUEPS-AR Actas de la Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and the Learning Sciences, 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, CSCL 2013, University of Wisconsin - Madison - USA, Junio 2013.
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| Prieto Santos, L.P., Villagrá Sobrino, S.L., Dimitriadis, Y., Jorrín Abellán, I.M., Asensio Pérez, J.I. Fostering CSCL adoption: an approach to professional development focused on orchestration Actas de la 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, CSCL 2013, University of Wisconsin - Madison - USA, Junio 2013.
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| Prieto Santos, L.P., Muñoz Cristóbal, J.A., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Dimitriadis, Y. Making learning designs happen in distributed learning environments with GLUE!-PS Actas de la European Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning 2012, EC-TEL 2012, Saarbrücken, Germany, Septiembre 2012.
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| Alario Hoyos, C., Muñoz Cristóbal, J.A., Prieto Santos, L.P., Bote Lorenzo, M.L., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Gómez Sánchez, E., Vega Gorgojo, G., Dimitriadis, Y. GLUE! - GLUE!-PS: An approach to deploy non-trivial collaborative learning situations that require the integration of external tools in VLEs Actas de la 1st Moodle Research Conference, 77-85, Heraklion, Creta-Grecia, Septiembre 2012.
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| Muñoz Cristóbal, J.A., Prieto Santos, L.P., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Jorrín Abellán, I.M., Dimitriadis, Y. Lost in Translation from Abstract Learning Design to ICT Implementation: a Study Using Moodle for CSCL Actas de la European Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2012, Saarbrücken, Germany, Septiembre 2012.
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| Muñoz Cristóbal, J.A., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Prieto Santos, L.P., Jorrín Abellán, I.M., Dimitriadis, Y., Martínez Monés, A. Helping educators to deploy CSCL scripts into mainstream VLEs that integrate third-party Web and Augmented Reality Tools Actas de la Workshop on Digital Ecosystems for Collaborative Learning. International Conference of the Learning Sciences, ICLS 2012, Sydney, Australia, Julio 2012.
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| Karakostas, A., Prieto Santos, L.P., Dimitriadis, Y. Opportunities and Challenges for Adaptive Collaborative Support in Distributed Learning Environments: Evaluating the GLUE! Suite of Tools Actas de la IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (in press), ICALT 2012, Roma, Italia, Julio 2012.
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| Dimitriadis, Y., Prieto Santos, L.P., Villagrá Sobrino, S.L. Designing for enactment: Multi-level patterns and routines in teacher practice Actas de la Art and Science of Learning Design international workshop, ASLD 2011, London, UK, Octubre 2011.
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| Prieto Santos, L.P., Dimitriadis, Y., Villagrá Sobrino, S.L. Representing learning design and classroom orchestration through atomic patterns Actas de la Art and Science of Learning Design international workshop, ASLD 2011, London, UK, Octubre 2011.
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| Prieto Santos, L.P., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Dimitriadis, Y., Gómez Sánchez, E., Muñoz Cristóbal, J.A. GLUE!-PS: A multi-language architecture and data model to deploy TEL designs to multiple learning environments Actas de la 6th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2011, Palermo, Italy, Septiembre 2011.
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| Prieto Santos, L.P., Villagrá Sobrino, S.L., Dimitriadis, Y., Schank, P., Penuel, W., DeBarger, A.H. Mind the Gaps: Using patterns to change everyday classroom practice towards contingent CSCL teaching Actas de la 9th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, CSCL 2011, Hong Kong, China, Julio 2011.
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| Prieto Santos, L.P., Villagrá Sobrino, S.L., Dimitriadis, Y., Jorrín Abellán, I.M., Martínez Monés, A., Anguita Martínez, R. Recurrent routines in the classroom madness: pushing patterns past the design phase Actas de la 7th International Conference on Networked Learning, NLC 2010, Aalborg, Denmark, Mayo 2010.
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| Morin, C., Jègou, Y., Lèbre, A., Priol, T., Sánchez, .D., Yu, H., Yang, E., Matthews, B., Prieto Santos, L.P. XtreemOS: a Grid OS providing native Virtual Organizations support Actas de la 3rd IEEE International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing, e-Science 2007, Bangalore, India, Diciembre 2007.
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Publicaciones en Conferencias Nacionales
| Muñoz Cristóbal, J.A., Prieto Santos, L.P., Asensio Pérez, J.I., Martínez Monés, A., Jorrín Abellán, I.M., Dimitriadis, Y. Realidad aumentada en educación Actas de la XXI Jornadas Universitarias de Tecnología Educativa, JUTE 2013, Valladolid, Spain, Junio 2013.
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| Rodríguez Triana, M.J., Prieto Santos, L.P., Villagrá Sobrino, S.L., Martínez Monés, A. Combinando guiado y monitorización en actividades colaborativas soportadas por ordenador: un estudio de caso en el grado de Maestro/a en Educación Primaria de la Universidad de Valladolid Actas de la XXI Jornadas Universitarias de Tecnología Educativa, JUTE, 191-192, Valladolid, Spain, Junio 2013.
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| Villagrá Sobrino, S.L., Jorrín Abellán, I.M., Prieto Santos, L.P., García Sastre, S. Tendiendo lazos entre escuela y universidad: rutinas de diseño y puesta en práctica de actividades colaborativas apoyadas por TIC como estrategia para el desarrollo profesional de educación primaria Actas de la XIX Jornadas Universitarias de Tecnología Educativa, JUTE 2011, 1-16, Sevilla, España, 17-18, Noviembre 2011.
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| Prieto Santos, L.P.An Exploration of Teacher Enactment of CSCL Activities in Computer-Integrated Classrooms, Tutored Research Work., E. T. S. Ing. Telecomunicaciones. University of Valladolid, Septiembre 2009.
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Capítulos de Libro
| Villagrá Sobrino, S.L., Prieto Santos, L.P., Jorrín Abellán, I.M., García Sastre, S. Learning + Engagement. Case Study. in Transforming conceptions of Teacher professional development: a three year-case study at a rural school in Spain, Civic Media Proyect. MIT Press., 2015.
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| Prieto Santos, L.P., Villagrá Sobrino, S.L., Dimitriadis, Y., Jorrín Abellán, I.M. Orchestrating classroom CSCL: a multi-level pattern approach for design and enactment in Handbook of Design in Educational Technology, Luckin, R., Goodyear, P., Grabowski, B., Puntambekar , S., Underwood, J., Winters, N. (Editores), Routledge, 2012.
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