
In this page you can find the software developed by GSIC/EMIC members.




GamiTool is a web-based gamification system that allows practitioners (i.e., teachers, instructors, instructional designers) to create computer-interpretable gamification designs, and semi-automatically deploy and enact them in multiple learning management systems (e.g., Moodle) and MOOC platforms (e.g., Canvas Network).


Casual Learn

Casual Learn

Casual Learn

An app to learn Art History while Aplicación taking a walk anywhere in the region of Castilla y León, Spain. Casual Learn will suggest you amusing learning activities when you are near a monument so that you can reflect on its features. This app is available to be installed in Android devices.





CHEST ( Cultural Heritage Educational Semantic Tool ) is an application to learn about the cultural heritage near you and all over the world. To do so, it uses several information sources like Wikidata, DBpedia and OpenSteetMap. With CHEST, teachers around the world can design and enact their own learning experiences, to be carried out by their students. It can be used through a web browsert and it is also available in Android and iOS official stores.


Forest Explorer

Forest Explorer

Forest Explorer

A web application for easily exploring the forests of Spain and Portugal based on official data sources: the Second and Third National Forestry Inventories from Spain, the Spanish Forestry Map (MFE50), the Portuguese Forestry Map (COS2018), and a summary of the Portuguese Forestry Inventory (IFN6)





A socio-semantic application for environmental education. It supports multi-author annotations of trees (positions, species, heights, diameters, status, photos, observations) with a world-wide scope.





Una aplicación para explorar el patrimonio cultural a partir de los datos de Wikidata y DBpedia. Ofrece un mapa interactivo por el que navegar y filtrar sitios de patrimonio cultural. Además, LOD4Culture incluye un navegador de sitios, obras de arte y artistas.





CRAFTS (Configurable REST APIs For Triple Stores) is a configurable generator of REST APIs to simplify access to triple stores. CRAFTS allows knowledge engineers to configure REST APIs over multiple triple stores. Web developers can then use a CRAFTS API to read and write Linked Open Data. CRAFTS automatically handles the translation of API calls into SPARQL queries, delivering results in JSON format. The API of CRAFTS is uniform, domain-independent, and described with the OpenAPI specification.


NFI Downloader

NFI Downloader

NFI Downloader

A web application for downloading Spanish plots from the National Forestry Inventory. It includes an interactive map for visualizing plots, multi-criteria plot selection for precise filtering and flexible area selection.





ILDE (Integrated Learning Design Environment) in an infrastructure created by the METIS project (in which the GSIC/EMIC group was partner). The ILDE supports cooperation within a "Learning design" community in which its members share and co-create multiple types of learning design solutions covering the complete learning-design lifecycle: conceptualization, authoring and implementation. Further information and documentation about the ILDE can be found at