Vanesa Gallego Lema
Facultad de Educación y Trabajo Social
Paseo de Belén, 1
47011 Valladolid
International Journal Publications
| Gallego-Lema, V., Muñoz-Cristóbal, J.A., Arribas-Cubero, H.F., Rubia-Avi, B. Physical Education Practicum in the natural environment: linking physical and virtual spaces Movimento. 25, 2019.
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| Muñoz-Cristóbal, J.A., Rodríguez-Triana, M.J., Gallego-Lema, V., Arribas-Cubero, H.F., Asensio-Pérez, J.I., Martínez-Monés, A. Monitoring for awareness and reflection in ubiquitous learning environments International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 34(2):146-165, 2018.
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| Muñoz-Cristóbal, J.A., Gallego-Lema, V., Arribas-Cubero, H.F., Asensio-Pérez, J.I., Martínez-Monés, A. Game of Blazons: Helping teachers conduct learning situations that integrate web tools and multiple types of augmented reality IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 11(4):506-519, 2018.
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| Muñoz-Cristóbal, J.A., Gallego-Lema, V., Arribas-Cubero, H.F., Martínez-Monés, A., Asensio-Pérez, J.I. Using virtual learning environments in bricolage mode for orchestrating learning situations across physical and virtual spaces Computers & Education. 109:233-252, 2017.
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| Gallego-Lema, V., Muñoz-Cristóbal, J.A., Arribas-Cubero, H.F., Rubia-Avi, B. Orienteering in the natural environment: ubiquitous learning through the use of technology Movimento. 23(1):755-770, 2017.
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International Conference Publications
| Serrano-Iglesias, S., Gómez-Sánchez, E., Bote-Lorenzo, M.L., Alonso-Prieto, V., Gallego-Lema, V. Exploring Barriers for the Acceptance of Smart Learning Environment Automated Support Proceedings of the European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, 636-641, , August 2023.
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| Muñoz-Cristóbal, J.A., Rodríguez-Triana, M.J., Gallego-Lema, V., Arribas-Cubero, H.F., Martínez-Monés, A., Asensio-Pérez, J.I. Toward the integration of monitoring in the orchestration of across-spaces learning situations Proceedings of the Cross-LAK Workshop on Learning Analytics Across Physical and Digital Spaces, 6th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference, LAK 2016, Edinburgh, UK, April 2016.
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Spanish Journal Publications
| Gallego-Lema, V., Correa-Gorospe, J.M., Aberasturi-Apráiz, E. Anywhere, anytime: the learning itineraries of teachers Fuentes. 22(2):166-177, 2020.
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| González-Calvo, G., Barba-Martín, R., Bores-García, D., Gallego-Lema, V. Learning To Be A Teacher Without Being In The Classroom COVID-19 As A Threat To The Professional Development Of Future Teachers Revista Internacional y Multidisciplinar en Ciencias Sociales. 9(2):46-71, 2020.
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| Gallego-Lema, V., Correa-Gorospe, J.M., Villagrá-Sobrino, S.L., León-Guereño, M. Connecting the human and non-human in ICT class:scenarios feared by future teachers in Early Childhood Education Revista Latinoamericana de Tecnología Educativa. 17(2):25-39, 2018.
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| Gallego-Lema, V. Reseña literaria de “Generación líquida: transformaciones en la era 3.0.” de Zygmunt Bauman y Thomas Leoncini Pulso. Revista de Educación.. 41:349-351, 2018.
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| Gallego-Lema, V., Muñoz-Cristóbal, J.A., Arribas-Cubero, H.F., Rubia-Avi, B. Recursos tecnológicos para el aula de Educación Física en el Medio Natural Tándem. Didáctica de la Educación Física. 58:65-70, 2017.
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| Gallego-Lema, V., Muñoz-Cristóbal, J.A., Arribas-Cubero, H.F., Rubia-Avi, B. Ubiquitous learning: a learning process in Physical Education in the Natural Environment RELATEC - Revista Latinoamericana de Tecnología Educativa. 15(1):59-73, June 2016.
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| Villagrá-Sobrino, S.L., García-Sastre, S., Carramolino-Arranz, B., Gallego-Lema, V., Jorrín-Abellán, I.M. Opportunities and challenges in the professional development of teachers with ICT in a rural school in Spain: A look at the New School Revista Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado. 78:185-199, December 2013.
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Spanish Conference Publications
| Aberasturi-Apráiz, E., Correa-Gorospe, J.M., Gallego-Lema, V. Mapping: from a research method to a training process Proceedings of the Simposio Reuni+d y Rilme. Conectando Redes. , 232-240, , June 2018.
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| Gallego-Lema, V., Correa-Gorospe, J.M., León-Guereño, M. Performance about the scenes that pre-service teachers fear at school Proceedings of the XXVI Jornadas Universitarias de Tecnología Educativa, , June 2018.
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| Gallego-Lema, V., Muñoz-Cristóbal, J.A., Arribas-Cubero, H.F., Rubia-Avi, B. Technology and ubiquitous learning: an experience in physical education in the natural environment Proceedings of the Outdoor Physical Education Conference, Valsaín, Segovia, Spain, July 2016.
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| Gallego-Lema, V., Rubia-Avi, B., Arribas-Cubero, H.F., Muñoz-Cristóbal, J.A. Ubiquitous Learning: A educational process on Physical Education in the Natural Environment Proceedings of the XXIII University Conference on Educational Technology, JUTE 2015, Badajoz, Spain, June 2015.
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| Sanz-Díez, L., Gallego-Lema, V., García-Vergara, ., Aragón-Vasco, J.C., Rubia-Avi, B., Marbán-Prieto, J.M., Cardeñoso, V., Corell-Almuzara, A. Saber-Extender project: production of knowledge pills at the University of Valladolid Proceedings of the XXIII Jornadas Universitarias de Tecnología Educativa, JUTE 2015, , June 2015.
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| Gallego-Lema, V., Muñoz-Cristóbal, J.A., Arribas-Cubero, H.F., Rubia-Avi, B. Mirrored educational spaces: a case study in physical education in the natural environment Proceedings of the XXII University Conference on Educational Technology, JUTE 2014, 167-168, Toledo, Spain, May 2014.
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| Gallego-Lema, V., Rubia-Avi, B., Muñoz-Cristóbal, J.A., Arribas-Cubero, H.F. The use of Augmented Reality in the teacher training in physical education: A case study at Valladolid Proceedings of the XXI University Conference on Educational Technology, JUTE 2013, Valladolid, Spain, June 2013.
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Book Chapters
| Gallego-Lema, V., Ochoa-Aizpurúa, B., León-Guereño, M. Cartographic serendipity: when we researchers learn in ¿CÓMO APRENDEN LOS DOCENTES? TRÁNSITOS ENTRE CARTOGRAFÍAS, EXPERIENCIAS, CORPOREIDADES Y AFECTOS, Octaedro, 2020.
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