Daniel Spikol


International Conference Publications

Serrano-Iglesias, S.,  Spikol, D.,  Bote-Lorenzo, M.L.,  Ouhaichi, H.,  Gómez-Sánchez, E.,  Vogel, B. Adaptable Smart Learning Environments supported by Multimodal Learning Analytics Proceedings of the Workshop on Learning Analytics for Smart Learning Environments at the 16th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, LA4SLE@EC-TEL 2021, Bolzano (Italy), September 21st, 2021, September 2021.


Hernández-Leo, D.,  Lavoué, Ã.,  Bote-Lorenzo, M.L.,  Muñoz-Merino, P.J.,  Spikol, D. (Editors) LA4SLE workshop: Learning analytics for smart learning environments 2021, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, October 2021.